What are the main factors that should be considered in the location selection of the amusement park and amusement equipment?

Location Selection.

  • Newly built amusement parks should first do a good job in the market research, prepare a feasible plan, and radiate the surrounding market scope, local resident population and floating population, average income and consumption habits and consumption capacity according to local market research. The convenience of public transportation, the proportion of adolescents and children in the main service target and other related factors, choose the appropriate geographical location;

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Geological Requirements.

  • When building a new amusement park and adding or updating amusement equipment, should not choose construction in a silt sewage environment. Because a lot of investment costs will be increased under the condition of ensuring safety and stability of the foundation. Generally new amusement parks must be built. The geological prospecting agency is requested to do a good job in geological prospecting and issue a geological prospecting report. For new or updated information, please refer to the original geological prospecting data.

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Environmental Conditions.

  • Generally, a new amusement park should not choose a site near the seaside. If you really need to choose the seaside, you must do more anti-corrosion treatment. In a site with natural hillsides or unevenness, in order to reduce the cost of foundation construction and reduce the damage to the original ecological environment, the natural environment can be used to select equipment that does not require high site flatness, and the surrounding environment can be handled scientifically and reasonably.